With DriverMax you can instantly check the status of your PC and the new
driver updates that are available for you, which is not only useful for
computer users who are well versed in making their Windows PC as
optimized as possible, but also for novices who sometimes don’t even
know what drivers are and how significant impact they have on the
overall performance, stability and reliability of their PC. Don’t waste
time on searching for obscure drivers on internet or your lost discs, or
suffer through bad PC performance and bugs that faulty installed
drivers can cause, because DriverMax will find them for you in seconds
after you create free account and scan your PC.
Main interface
of DriverMax is very simple to use, providing users with easy tools for
scanning your PC, downloading drivers, managing driver backups and
restoring them on any PC, settings, and even showcase of most popular PC
hardware, which can be helpful to PC novices who want to see what are
viable upgrade paths for their home configuration. All these tools are
presented in a single-screen dashboard whose visual style resembles the
one from modern Windows 8 Metro apps.
As an added feature, your
updated suite of drivers can be saved in an archived file on your hard
drive, which can be easily reinstalled on a new installation of Windows.
With a simple click of your mouse, your perfect mix of drivers will be
instantly in place and ready to take full advantage from your PC
Why update my system drivers ?
computing, a device driver or software driver is a computer program
allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a hardware
device. A driver typically communicates with the device through the
computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects.
What kind of drivers cand DriverMax update ?
system drivers, Motherboards, Network Adapters , Video Adapters ,
Digital Cameras / Camcorders , MP3 Players , USB Devices , Modems ,
Keyboard , Windows Vista system drivers , VOIP (Voice Over IP) Phones ,
CD and DVD Drives , Sound Cards , Printers , Scanners , Webcams , Hard
Disks , Wireless Devices , Mouse from different manufacturers like 3Com ,
Adaptec , AMD , Atheros , BenQ , Brother , Cisnet , Conexant , CXT ,
D-Link , Genius , Hauppauge , Hp , Intel , Leadtek , Lexmark , Logitech ,
Maxtor , MPC , Nikon , NVidia , Olympus , Philips , RealTek , Saitek ,
Sapphire , Sharp , Sony Ericcson , Toshiba , Western Digital...
DriverMax is able to display a full report of all installed drivers
feature can be very useful when you want to analyze the differences
between the driver versions installed on different machines or when
talking to tech support. You can also export all your current drivers to
a folder or a compressed file. When reinstalling Windows you will have
all drivers in one place!
Download it !